Is it August in Dublin?
It is difficult to know what time of year it is here with the rain once more ensuring we grow and keeping our countryside nice and green.
However it is not for the weather that you come to Ireland.
The reason our pubs are so good is because our weather is so bad.
Many writers, musicians and artists have created and been inspired in many of the local bars and pubs, and there are lots to choose from.
When visiting Dublin you are sure to find a pub or bar that meets you preference.
No matter what night of the week you go out you are always guaranteed to meet some great people and have the craic (Irish for fun)
So what’s on this week.
The hostels as always have lots going on.
Tuesday: early morning jog through the city, just meet us in Jacobs inn reception.
Wednesday: BBQ in Isaacs hostel garden (and yes we have a canopy just encase:)
Thursday: Chillie and sol night kicks off at 6.30 in Jacobs Inn cafe. The cheapest place to eat in the city for only 5euro you get chillie, rice, tacos and a bottle of beer.
Friday: BBQ In Isaacs Garden, 5euro for a burger and beer. Great value and good craic too.
Saturday: BBQ in Isaacs at 7pm and FREE Irish dancing lesson in Jacobs at 3.30pm all welcome.
Sunday: time to brush up on those steps as we have our second night of FREE Irish dancing.
EVERYDAY: don’t for get every morning we have a FREE walking tour of the city leaving reception at 10.30am and every night we show movies on our large screen in both hostels 9pm (be sure to let us know if you have any special requests)
If there is not enough happening in the hostel for you then venture down to Temple bar for a bit of culture
Exchange Dublin and Temple Bar Cultural Trust are calling on citizens, funders, public representatives, artists and more to join us on Meeting House Square, Temple Bar tomorrow evening at 6.30pm for ‘Culture and the City – The Debate’
All audience members, invited guests and crew will be required to wear a white upper face mask upon passing a screen at the entrance to Meeting House Square and all will remain anonymous throughout. This theatrical experiment aims to break down some of the barriers that exist to real discussion and debate, using anonymity to encourage people to give their truthful opinions.
Gates open at 6pm and Meeting House Square will be equipped with a marquee roof covering. Please note: This is a free event and no tickets are required – just come along! Masks will be provided as you enter the venue.
Temple Bar Cultural Trust (TBCT) and Lord Mayor Cllr Emer Costello today (Tuesday 18th August) unveiled an immense programme for Culture Night 2009 at the National Museum of Ireland, Collins Barracks, which takes place on Friday 25th September. TBCT expect half a million visitors to attend Culture Night across the 11 participating towns, cities and counties.
Renowned for its free mix of events, street activity and ‘All Sorts’ of talent, Culture Night 2009 will transform the participating areas of – Dublin, Cork, Galway, Letterkenny, Limerick, Mayo, Roscommon, Sligo, Tralee, Waterford, Wexford - into an accessible cultural wonderland offering people of all ages the chance to experience culture in various and unusual forms including visual art, architecture, dancing, family fun, music, poetry, street performance, painting, talks, theatre and traditional forms of culture. Culture Night will also take place in the Cathedral Quarter of Belfast this year on Friday September 25th.
The Culture Night National initiative is co-ordinated by Temple Bar Cultural Trust and supported by the Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism in partnership with the regional arts offices and local authorities.
A full programme of events and participating venues for Culture Night 2009 is now available online at www.culturenight.ie or pick up a copy of the Dublin programme by calling into the Temple Bar Cultural Information Centre at 12 East Essex Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2. All participating venues in Dublin will carry Culture Night programmes from Tuesday 25th August.