Some hunky members of staff ;-)Last week was the week of the
Young Social Innovators. This resulted is lots of socially responsible youngsters staying with us!! Seems like a great programme... they had nothing as fancy as that in my day!
The other day I was reminded of how full service Isaacs and our sister hostel Jacobs are. I got a call on reception from a guest staying in the adjacent hotel which went something like this:
Guest: Hello, is that the hostel?
Issie: Yes it is!
Guest: I'm staying in the hotel for the weekend and I sprained my ankle and I was wondering whether you had any crutches.
Issie: Eh... this is the is hostel
Guest: Yeah, so do you have any crutches?
Issie: Hostel.... not hospital?!??!
Guest: Yes I know, the hostel.
Very confused by the guest's determination that it was normal to assume that a hostel would have crutches, I wondered whether I had missed a section in the staff handbook on our medical supplies closet so I put her on hold and asked a manager. And would you believe it, we did have a pair of crutches in Jacobs. Now I know Jacobs is the fancier big sister of Isaacs, but I was very impressed that they had crutches in a cupboard somewhere just in case. Now that's service for you! Anyway the guest was happy and sent one of her mates to collect them!
The weather has turned a bit this week with a few heavy rain showers :( I knew the tropical weather couldn't last. Ah well hopefully it will turn back around again. I will keep you posted!