Monday, June 4, 2007

Run run run!

Today is june bank holiday monday, which means it women's mini marathon day. 10km of women (and the odd man in a dress)will be lining up in a mad dash to get around the city. I of course have my running shoes on ready and waiting! Well in my mind at least! We had some guest from England who were here to run in it! They went off bright and early all tooled up for a big fry up, they walked the 10km, stopping for two pints on the way around and then celebrating their record breaking time of 2 and half hours will a few more beers. Needless to say they arrived back in the hostel in interesting shape!

The sunny weather in the last week lead lots of people to take tours which we book for them at reception. Glendalough and Wicklow being particularily popular. Glendalough is one of my personal favourites, perfect on a lovely sunny day like today.