Anyway the good thing about working in an international environment is that there is no end of holidays. This week its Canada's turn. We get loads of Canadians staying in the hostel, especially lots from Quebec, who I always find very glamourous with their Canadian passports and their Quebecois! Anyway to celebrate Canada Day, here are five fun facts about Canada gleamed from our canadian hostellers:
- Canadians are not americans (nothing annoys them more allegedly!!)
- Its the second largest country in the world.
- The official winter sport is ice hockey.
- Canada makes 80% of the worlds supply of maple syrup
- Degrassi Junior High is a real place (I made that up, but I worked as a waitress with a guy who was a regular on the show, so had to get it in somewhere!! Anyone under 25 reading this will have no idea what I am talking about!! Sorry!)
So there you go... Happy Canada Day everyone :)
that is so sweet! Degrassi was filmed in my high school actually - its a real place indeed!!!
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